E. Rahm's Publications (368)

 |  | Kirsten, Toralf; Meineke, Frank; ...; Scholz, Markus; Rahm, Erhard; Binder, Hans; Löffler, Markus The Leipzig Health Atlas—An Open Platform to Present, Archive, and Share Biomedical Data, Analyses, and Models Online Methods of Information in Medicine 2022 |

 |  | Lin, Ying-Chi ; Christen, Victor; Groß, Anika; Kirsten, Toralf; Domingos Cardoso, Silvio; Pruski, Cédric; Da Silveira, Marcos; Rahm, Erhard Evaluating Cross-lingual Semantic Annotation for Medical Forms Proceedings of the 13th International Joint Conference on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies - Volume 5 HEALTHINF: HEALTHINF, 145-155, 2020, Valletta, Malta. DOI: 10.5220/0008979901450155 2020-02 |

 |  | Grust, T.; Naumann, F.; Böhm, A.; Lehner, W.; Härder, T.; Rahm, E.; Heuer, A.; Klettke, M.; Meyer, H. Datenbanksysteme für Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2019) LNI 289 2019-03 |

 |  | Winter, A; Stäubert, S; Ammon, D; , Aiche, S; Beyan,O; Bischoff, V; Daumke, P; Decker, S; Funkat, G; Gewehr, JE; , de Greiff, A; Haferkamp, S; Hahn , U; Henkel, A; Kirsten, T; Klöss, T; Lippert, J; Löbe, M; Lowitsch, V; Rahm, E; Löffler, M Smart Medical Information Technology for Healthcare (SMITH) Methods of Information in Medicine 2018-07 |

 |  | Domingos Cardoso, Silvio; Reynaud-Delaître, Chantal; Da Silveira, Marcos; Lin, Ying-Chi; Groß, Anika; Rahm, Erhard; Pruski, Cédric Towards a Multi-level Approach for the Maintenance of Semantic Annotations Proc. 10th Int. Joint Conf.on Biomedical Engineering Systems and Technologies (BIOSTEC 2017), HEALTHINF, Porto, Feb. 2017 2017-02 |

 |  | Domingos Cardoso, Silvio; Pruski, Cédric; Da Silveira, Marcos; Lin, Ying-Chi; Groß, Anika; Rahm, Erhard; Reynaud-Delaître, Chantal Leveraging the Impact of Ontology Evolution on Semantic Annotations Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management. Proc. EKAW, Springer LNCS 10024 , pp. 68-82, 2016 2016-11-04 |

 |  | Krefting, D.; Bart, J.; Beronov, K.; Dzhimova, O.; Falkner, J.; Hartung, M.; Hoheisel, A.; Knoch, T.A.; Lingner, T.; Mohammed, Y.; Peter, K.; Rahm, E.; Sax, U.; Sommerfeld, D.; Steinke, T.; Tolxdorff, T.; Vossberg, M.; Viezens, F.; Weisbecker, A. MediGRID: Towards a user friendly secured grid infrastructure Future Generation Computer Systems, Volume 25, Issue 3, March 2009, Pages 326-336 2009-03 |
 |  | Jarke, M.; Seidl, T.; Quix, C.; Kensche, D.; Conrad, S.; Rahm, E.; Klamma, R.; Kosch, H.; Granitzer, M.; Apel, S.; Rosenmüller, M.; Saake, G.;Spinczyk, O. (Eds.) Datenbanksysteme in Business, Technologie und Web (BTW 2007), Workshop Proceedings ISBN 3-86130-929-7, Verlagshaus Mainz, Aachen 2007. 2007-03 |

 |  | Prufer, Kay; Muetzel, Bjoern; Do, Hong-Hai; Weiss, Gunter; Khaitovich, Philipp; Rahm, Erhard; Pääbo, Svante; Lachmann, Michael; Enard, Wolfgang FUNC: a package for detecting significant associations between gene sets and ontological annotations BMC Bioinformatics 2007, 8:41  2007-02-06 |